Pharmacist experience with CPAMS
How does it work?
- The patient visits your pharmacy or healthcare facility
- Has a finger prick blood test
- The results are automatically transferred to INR Online
- The computer recommends a dose and prints out a calendar
- The results are sent to the GP.
- The patient receives an email reminder for the next test
What do I need?
- In considering participation ensure you have sufficient space and facilities to provide the service
- Discuss the option with your local GPs and provide the GPs with information.
How to get started?
- Health professionals, except physicians, will require accreditation through the University of Waterloo’s Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy (MOAT) program.
- MOAT training will provide information about warfarin, dose adjustments, measuring the INR with the CoaguChek and using INR Online.
- All health professionals must be accredited before they can offer the service.
Although INR Online is primarily used by pharmacy healthcare professionals, it is also used by other healthcare professionals in a variety of clinical settings.
- Physicians in their clinics and offices.
- Nurses and Nurse Practitioners working in locations such as physician’s clinics and offices, anticoagulation clinics, family health teams, walk-in clinics, remote nursing stations, home care programs and long term care institutions etc..
- Laboratory Technologists and Technicians.
Non-physician healthcare professionals using INR Online are required to provide proof of certification through successful completion of the University of Waterloo’s Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy (MOAT) program. Although, not obligatory, physicians are welcome to complete MOAT certification as well.
If you would like to use INR Online, please complete the MOAT course by first contacting the University of Waterloo. Upon successful completion of the course and MOAT certification, please return to this website and subscribe to INR Online. All of the support materials including INR Online training videos and downloadable User Guide are available on this website in the resources section.
For further information and assistance, please contact us.